Showing posts with label becoming a life coach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label becoming a life coach. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What is ICF Coaching?

Do you know what ICF coaching is? Do you know how to become a life coach? Get your life and wellness coach certification now and discover how to become a life coach in Canada. Transform your life today!

Canada coach academy is an approved partner of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) the gold standard in coaching worldwide. It is the most influential global organization committed to setting the highest standards and providing independent certification in the coaching industry. They are dedicated to building a global network of highly trained coaching professionals and they offer the only universally recognized, independent credentialing program for coaches.

Getting credentials through ICF means that a coach has met all the strict requirements and has shown a meticulous understanding of the coaching concepts and skills that set the standard in the industry.

ICF at its Core

What is ICF at its core? Dedication, integrity, mastery of coaching and commitment to clients is what ICF is all about. And as the world’s largest organization of trained coaches, ICF provides instant credibility to its members.

ICF’s core values are: Integrity, Excellence, Collaboration, and Respect. ICF members and all parts of the ICF community are held accountable to these core values.

If these values appeal to you and you are looking for a way to make meaningful connections and transform your life as well as others, you may want to consider becoming a life coach.

If you are passionate about helping people and you have a talent for inspiring others to reach their full potential, then becoming a life coach is for you!

ICF Life and Wellness Coach Certification

How can you become a life coach in Canada? Let Canada Coach Academy lead the way with ICF Life and Wellness Coach Certification.

With this 21-week, 60-hour, ICF accredited program, you can start making a difference today.

Weekly classes, virtual video conferences, live training & interaction and all inclusive tuition make CCA the right choice when it comes to a career as a life coach.

Get Inspired. Start your journey today!

Find Your Tribe with ICF and CCA

Do people often tell you you’re inspiring? Do friends and family see you as the go-to person for advice and encouragement? Then maybe being a life coach is in your DNA.

If providing people with concrete strategies for attaining their goals comes as second nature to you and you get satisfaction and a great sense of fulfillment and connection when they succeed, then Canada Coach Academy is your tribe.

With the backing of ICF coaching credentials and access to a global network of professional coaches, making the decision to step into a fulfilling career as a life coach has never been easier.

Just like every team needs a great coach to guide them toward success, people need life coaches to empower them with the necessary tools for success in their personal and professional lives.

Start living a more rewarding, fulfilling, and passionate life by helping others reach their full potential.

Don’t wait. Do it now.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Mindset Shifts

What are mindset shifts? How can a life coach help to achieve them?

Your mindset is the lens through which you see things. It’s how you see the world and how you approach things based on your beliefs. Mindsets can be positive or negative and they are a major factor in holding you back or helping you achieve your goals.

If you have a negative mindset, it’s time for a major mindset shift! Shifting your mindset is the first step on your path to growth and realizing your dreams. Without a positive mindset, you will always have a hurdle in your way.

A life coach with ICF certification can help you uncover if your mindset is what has been holding you back from becoming your best self. They can help reveal if your mindset is a constant negative force in your life, that is always cutting you off from exploring new opportunities and growth, and they can help you shift that mindset to a positive one that enables you to see, and be open to, all the exciting possibilities.

Embracing Change

How can learning to embrace change help with mindset shifts?

Shifting your mindset is not possible without embracing change. Your mindset has to do with your beliefs and the stories you’ve been telling yourself that shape your reality. In order to shift your mindset, you need to change that inner dialogue.

Often we tend to resist change, but real growth is only possible when we embrace change. Change is inevitable and learning to accept this is the single, best way to start shifting your mindset. When you see how the beliefs you have about yourself are holding you back, you begin to understand the importance of shifting those beliefs so that you can start realizing your dreams, achieving your goals, and becoming your best self.

Coaches can guide you by giving you the space you need to overcome the fear of change and embrace it so that you can successfully shift your mindset.

Personal Growth

The right mindset is fundamental for personal growth. If you’re stuck in a mindset that’s holding you back, you need to learn how to shift that mindset in order to achieve your goals.

Once you understand what your mindset is and how it affects your approach to all the different aspects of your life, and you accept that change is part of the process to shift that mindset, then you can move towards a growth mindset.

Nowadays demand for a life coach is higher than it’s ever been, a life coach can help you ask the right questions that will enable you to change those beliefs and that inner negative dialogue. How do you see yourself? Do you feel less than or unworthy? Coaches can walk beside you as you confront the beliefs 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Leader as Coach

How can a leader-as-coach unlock potential in an organization? Companies are realizing the power of coaching leadership.

There is a growing amount of evidence that leaders-as-coaches are having a significant impact on individuals and groups within organizations. There is a strong shift towards leaders being more than simple managers, setting goals and telling people what to do.

While traditional managersare focused on sales, expenses and results, leaders-as-coaches ask how they can help each individualgrow and realize their full potential. It means approaching their team with a different mindset. One that is supportive and encouraging, where they ask questions and focus on the growth and well-being of individuals, in order to unlock the potential in each team member. It’s a mindful, compassionate type of leadership.

This type of coaching leader is the kind that builds a learning, growing organization and helps define the company’s culture, by engaging with their team members on a daily basis.

A leader-as-coach is a powerful shift in the company paradigm. Unlocking an organization’s potential by unlocking the potential of each individual on the team. And an effective leader-as-coach does this by asking instead of telling, encouraging instead of passing judgement, and assisting in personal development rather than simply giving out orders.

Moving Away from the Traditional Role of Leader

How can an organization move away from the archaic idea that the role of a leader is to take charge and give orders?

In today’s world things move fast and are constantly changing. The methods that worked in the past, no longer apply today. It is simply not plausible for a leader or manager to have the capacity to know all the answers.

So, it makes sense that organizations are moving away from the traditional roles of leaders taking charge and giving orders, and are instead moving toward a completely different approach where leaders give support, encouragement, and guidance instead of just telling their teams what to do. This engagement with team members, and a willingness to ask questions and really listen to individuals, can give way to new ideas, positive energy, and illicit a newfound commitment to the organization.

In a nutshell, the role of the leader is now becoming a coach.

Coaches ask questions that inspire individuals to unlock their full potential and boost their performance. Companies and organizations that have moved toward leaders-as-coaches are seeing higher levels of engagement and productivity from their employees.

Now, more than ever, organizations need leaders who are coaches.

With the Right Tools, You Can Build a Successful Organization

How can you build a successful organization? With the right tools and support, you can transform your leaders to become more like coaches.

As more and more organizations are reinventing themselves for this new age, the appearance of a new kind of leader was inevitable. This powerful and fundamental shift has changed how companies look at leadership skills. More companies are now investing in training their leaders as coaches.

Coaching is becoming an intrinsic aspect of a successful organization’s culture. Click here to see how your leaders can learn the coaching skills they need to unlock your company’s full potential.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Difference Between a Thought and a Belief

What is the difference between a thought and a belief? You can have many thoughts that come and go, but a belief is a thought that you’ve accepted, over time, as true. It is a thought attached to emotion that you’ve internalized and this turns into a belief. When you are in the process of becoming a life coach in Canada you learn to listen for beliefs because they are powerful.

So where do these conscious and subconscious beliefs come from?All the beliefs you have, regarding anything in your life, are truths that have been created in your mind, over time, through a consistent thought process. Some beliefs can grow to become very solid and unshakeable, due to a constant, persistent way of thinking.

This can be a good thing if your beliefs are shaped by consistent, positive thoughts. You would then be creating positive beliefs, that drive you to achieve your goals, to succeed, and enable you to overcome obstacles. But sometimes the beliefs you build come from negative thought patterns. These can form debilitating, crippling beliefs that have the exact opposite affect.

There can be outside influences, such as family or certain cultural ideas, that help shape your beliefsbut, ultimately, they are still formed in your mind by way of your thought process. They can only be created by consistent thought patterns and re-affirmations of those thoughts as truths in your mind.

How can a life coach help? Coaches are trained to listen for these beliefs that might be holding you back from living your best life.

Can You Change Your Beliefs?

Although they can be quite deep-rooted, you can learn to uncover your own beliefs and question whether or not they are constructive in your life. If you decide that they are not, you can change them.

Before deciding whether some of your beliefs need changing, because they are negatively impacting your life and holding you back, you need to find out what they are. A qualified, certified coach can help you uncover those beliefs that are serving no purpose except limiting you and manifesting negative energy in your life.
Once you have identified those beliefs that you want to change, you can begin the process of unlearning your old thinking patterns and changing your beliefs through affirmation and focused intention. The same way you created your current beliefs, you can learn to create new, better serving beliefs by learning new thought patterns.

Realize Your Dreams by Aligning Your Beliefs

How can aligning your beliefs help you realize your dreams?

In order to realize your dreams, your beliefs need to align with your intentions and your goals. If your inner beliefs are in constant contradiction with your intentions and goals, and providing only negative energy in your life, they will always be a hindrance.

Canada Coach Academy’s top ICF coaching programs are committed to providing coaches all the support they need in order to help others uncover beliefs that are holding them back, so they can realize their dreams.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Coaching in a Digital Age

What are some advantages of coaching in a digital age? Becoming a life coach means connecting with people and, in a digital age, that connection is possible in many more ways.

In an age where there are so many communication tools at our disposal, coaching has become more accessible and connecting with others is possible even if you don’t live in the same city.

The role of a life coach  is to act as a partner as we break out of our learned limitations and move toward growth and living our best lives.

And the beauty of living in a Digital Age is that this partnership and connection can be made from anywhere. No matter where you live, you can connect with a life coach and start your journey toward fulfilling your dreams and becoming your best self.

Are We More Connected or Disconnected in this Digital Age?

In this Digital Age, are we more connected or more cut off than ever before?

It’s an interesting question and the discussion continues as to whether or not technology can be a way of connecting people or simply another way to foster isolation and disconnection.

Coaching can be the way to make meaningful connections in this digital world where constant, ever- changing technologies often create new challenges for us.

In a world where technology is moving so fast, we often have to move just as quickly to adapt and stay relevant. It can sometimes feel like we’re disconnected if we don’t keep up with all the changes.

A coach is all about supporting people  through change, as they learn and unlearn beliefs and recreate themselves. And this is extremely relevant in a digital era, where the only constant is change.

A coach understands the power of change, on both an individual, and a team level.

Making Meaningful Connections

Now, more than ever, making meaningful connections is fundamental to our survival. How can coaching help with these connections in this age of technology?

Coaches help people overcome learned beliefs that are limiting them and preventing them from realizing their dreams. In order to do this in an era of technology, where we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions, coaches need to connect in a meaningful way.

By using the tools of technology that help make accessibility easier, coaches can reach many more people than ever before. And a coach’s ability to listen and create a safe space in all the noise and distraction, can transcend the technology and reach people on a deeper level.

In this modern world, technology and change are inevitable. Coaches can help individuals and leaders through these changes, to unlock their potential and drive innovation to help propel us even further.

Through empathy and building trust, coaches can create an atmosphere where people feel empowered to take risks and discover solutions for both self-improvement and social change. Combining this with digital technology can enable people to become more engaged and willing to collaborate with each other, which creates growth.

In this digital age, Canada Coach Academy  helps you look to the future, instead of focusing on the past.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What is the Salary of a Life Coach?

Are you considering becoming a life coach? If so, maybe one of the questions you’re asking yourself is: What is the salary of a life coach?

Your salary and rates as a life coach can vary according to years of experience, credentials, and the various types of coaching “niches”. It’s also a good idea to get the proper credentials, like ICF certification, since this adds to your credibility and professionalism.
The average life coach salary in Canada, according to PayScale, is C$50,868 with an average hourly pay of C$59.50
You can also get more information on life coach salaries from the 2016 ICF Global Coaching Study which shows that the average yearly salary for life coaches in North America is USD$61,900 and the Global yearly average is USD$51,000.
The various types of coaching “niches” also affect salary and hourly rates. For instance, according to a Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey in 2018, the average hourly rates by niche for the following coaches were:
-          Executive Coaches: $386 USD per hour
-           Business Coaches: $279 USD per hour
-           Life Coaches: $190 USD per hour
When it comes to realizing your dream of becoming a life coach, it’s not only important to research how to become a life coach, but it’s also important to inform yourself about salaries and the different types of niches so you can make the right choices for future success!

What are some factors that can help you determine pricing as a life coach?
There are several different factors that can help you determine pricing as a life coach. Some of these include:
1)    Location: many life coaches offer sessions via Skype or phone, so your location as a coach may not be important, but where your clients live can make a difference. Because some clients in different parts of the country are willing to pay more for coaching than others, this can impact your salary as a life coach.
2)    Target Market: who your target market is can also affect your salary. This ties in with the different “niches” mentioned earlier. For example, if your target clients are executives in larger companies, your rates will be different than if your clients are from smaller companies or individuals.
How can you earn money and increase your salary as a life coach?
Being a successful life coach means more than just offering one-on-one coaching sessions. You need to be resourceful and creative to increase your salary with different revenue streams. Some ways you can do this are through seminars, group coaching programs, workshops, motivational speaking events, mentor coaching,health and wellness videos, and life improvement courses.

At Canada Coach Academy we can show you how to find different ways to be inspired and to inspire others!With the right training, life coach courses and ICF certification we can help you build a thriving, successful coaching career that will allow you to make a difference in people’s lives today!
We are dedicated to working with you to build your dream so that you can help others build theirs!
Find out more about life coach training in Canada here.

What is the Role of a Life Coach?

You might be asking yourself, what does a life coach do exactly? The role of a life coach is to guideand support people in realizing their d...