Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Difference Between a Thought and a Belief

What is the difference between a thought and a belief? You can have many thoughts that come and go, but a belief is a thought that you’ve accepted, over time, as true. It is a thought attached to emotion that you’ve internalized and this turns into a belief. When you are in the process of becoming a life coach in Canada you learn to listen for beliefs because they are powerful.

So where do these conscious and subconscious beliefs come from?All the beliefs you have, regarding anything in your life, are truths that have been created in your mind, over time, through a consistent thought process. Some beliefs can grow to become very solid and unshakeable, due to a constant, persistent way of thinking.

This can be a good thing if your beliefs are shaped by consistent, positive thoughts. You would then be creating positive beliefs, that drive you to achieve your goals, to succeed, and enable you to overcome obstacles. But sometimes the beliefs you build come from negative thought patterns. These can form debilitating, crippling beliefs that have the exact opposite affect.

There can be outside influences, such as family or certain cultural ideas, that help shape your beliefsbut, ultimately, they are still formed in your mind by way of your thought process. They can only be created by consistent thought patterns and re-affirmations of those thoughts as truths in your mind.

How can a life coach help? Coaches are trained to listen for these beliefs that might be holding you back from living your best life.

Can You Change Your Beliefs?

Although they can be quite deep-rooted, you can learn to uncover your own beliefs and question whether or not they are constructive in your life. If you decide that they are not, you can change them.

Before deciding whether some of your beliefs need changing, because they are negatively impacting your life and holding you back, you need to find out what they are. A qualified, certified coach can help you uncover those beliefs that are serving no purpose except limiting you and manifesting negative energy in your life.
Once you have identified those beliefs that you want to change, you can begin the process of unlearning your old thinking patterns and changing your beliefs through affirmation and focused intention. The same way you created your current beliefs, you can learn to create new, better serving beliefs by learning new thought patterns.

Realize Your Dreams by Aligning Your Beliefs

How can aligning your beliefs help you realize your dreams?

In order to realize your dreams, your beliefs need to align with your intentions and your goals. If your inner beliefs are in constant contradiction with your intentions and goals, and providing only negative energy in your life, they will always be a hindrance.

Canada Coach Academy’s top ICF coaching programs are committed to providing coaches all the support they need in order to help others uncover beliefs that are holding them back, so they can realize their dreams.

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