Showing posts with label life coaching certification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life coaching certification. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What is the Role of a Life Coach?

You might be asking yourself, what does a life coach do exactly?

The role of a life coach is to guideand support people in realizing their dreams. A life coach provides a safe place to explore thoughts, feelings, emotions and goals. A coach is a partner to walk through life with. One that holds no judgment, no ulterior motives and no attachment to your decisions. Coaches offer people the freedom to work through issues without the pressure to please anyone but themselves.

Life coaches are skilled and trained to unearth what holds people back from living their best lives. Much of the training to become a coach is focused on unlearning flawed communication styles that are embedded in our culture. Coaches learn to listen for beliefs- not problems. They learn to ask questions to reveal information for the coachee, not for the coach. They learn to hold space, not wait to speak.

When you become a coach you learn knowing what you want is not enough to get it. The number one difference between people who achieve their goals and those who don’t is one simple question: what are you willing to do to get what you want?

A qualified, certified life coaches are trained to ask appreciative questions to uncover potential and harness strengths to help others achieve life-long change.

What Are 3 Key Points a Life Coach Can Help With?

When coming up with life-changing strategies, there are 3 key points a life coach can help others with:

-          Realizing “dreams”

-          Personal Growth

-          Making positive changes

Your role as a life coach is to partner with people to help them move past unconscious goals that are derailing their lives. Coaches use inquiry to draw out the feelings, thoughts and “noise” that get in the way of realizing goals. Life coaches are backed by holistic approaches to promote mind-body connection. They focus on wellbeing to achieve fulfillment and purpose.

ICF Coaches are supported by tools, strategies and techniques that help them hone their craft and achieve powerful results for their clients. With a proven framework, certified coaches learn the skill of building momentum in coaching conversations to empower others to own their results all the while building momentum to change their behaviors and ultimately change their lives. 

What Are The Skills Needed To Fulfill The Role of a Coach?

Almost everyone who comes to our certification has been told by someone in their lives “you should be a coach!”. That is often the spark that gets people to start exploring coaching as a career path and it’s the first sign someone has what we call “coaching DNA”.

Aside from training and certification, successful life coaches:

-          Love to connect to others

-          Are genuinely curious about others

-          Have the desire to help others grow and succeed

-          Are open minded and self-managed

-          Have a strong network of personal and professional contacts

-          Are empathetic, kind, caring and thoughtful

-          Have life experience that connects them to struggle, challenge and conviction

-          Love to learn and are committed to self-growth

If this sounds like you, you have what it takes to be a life coach!A fulfilling career in this invaluable role is at your fingertips. All programs on virtual and easily accessible. There is no better time than now to get started!

How can CCA Help You Fulfill Your Role as a Life Coach?

Canada Coach Academy is on a mission to train and mentor world class coaches so that together we can help others live their best lives, one conversation at a time. When people are living their best lives, the world is at peace and everyone is fulfilled.

When you belong to ourglobal network of professional coaches you are surrounded by like-minded people who believe what you believe- that connection is the path to well-being. With a number of ICF accredited programs to set you on the right path, Canada Coach Academy is devoted to your success as a coach and is right there with you, every step of the way. 

Become a coach today to start changing lives now.

No Better Time to be a Coach

In these uncertain times, you may be looking for meaning and purpose. A way of connecting even while we must remain physically distant. Have you always thought of  becoming a coach? There’s no better time to be a coach than right now!

It’s normal to feel alone and unsure about the future during this difficult time, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Even with social distancing measures in place, there are ways to continue making human connections. In fact, you should find ways to connect with others, especially now.

Life Coaching helps you connect with others and gives you purpose. Connection and purpose are extremely vital, especially during times of crisis.

There’s no better time for self improvement and learning something new  than right now. In a changing world, it’s always best to learn how to adapt and change along with it. Change is not easy and it forces us out of our comfort zones. As a coach, you would be honing your communication skills and learning how to have the types of conversations that help people push past the discomfort to arrive at self discovery and self improvement. Coaching is about change. And helping people navigate change is relevant now more than ever.

Crisis Brings Change

Can change be a good thing? As a life coach, you can be there to help people navigate through the changes in their lives that are, most often, scary and uncomfortable.

Change is uncomfortable and that’s why we often think of it as a negative thing. But change should be uncomfortable because it means pushing past your boundaries and your comfort zones and that is what forces you to grow. This crisis is forcing many people to take a look at their lives. Maybe they’re thinking of making changes or taking risks that they would not have considered before.

So why is there no better time than now to be a coach?

Because now more than ever, people need safe spaces to share and explore their feelings and emotions and someone to guide them and support them through this uncertain, confusing time. A coach can be a much needed partner through all of this.

People are reassessing their lives and thinking about what really matters and they might discover that it’s time for a change. And as a coach you can help guide and support them in realizing their dreams.

Find Your Purpose

How Can you start helping as a life Coach?

Right now many things may seem out of your control and that can cause some anxiety so it’s important to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Maintaining a routine, making sure to stay active and learning new skills can help you regain some sense of control and alleviate some of the stress caused by all this uncertainty.

Take this opportunity to find your purpose through the IFC coaching Programs at Canada Coach Academy. Become a life coach and start helping others realizes their dreams today!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Leader as Coach

How can a leader-as-coach unlock potential in an organization? Companies are realizing the power of coaching leadership.

There is a growing amount of evidence that leaders-as-coaches are having a significant impact on individuals and groups within organizations. There is a strong shift towards leaders being more than simple managers, setting goals and telling people what to do.

While traditional managersare focused on sales, expenses and results, leaders-as-coaches ask how they can help each individualgrow and realize their full potential. It means approaching their team with a different mindset. One that is supportive and encouraging, where they ask questions and focus on the growth and well-being of individuals, in order to unlock the potential in each team member. It’s a mindful, compassionate type of leadership.

This type of coaching leader is the kind that builds a learning, growing organization and helps define the company’s culture, by engaging with their team members on a daily basis.

A leader-as-coach is a powerful shift in the company paradigm. Unlocking an organization’s potential by unlocking the potential of each individual on the team. And an effective leader-as-coach does this by asking instead of telling, encouraging instead of passing judgement, and assisting in personal development rather than simply giving out orders.

Moving Away from the Traditional Role of Leader

How can an organization move away from the archaic idea that the role of a leader is to take charge and give orders?

In today’s world things move fast and are constantly changing. The methods that worked in the past, no longer apply today. It is simply not plausible for a leader or manager to have the capacity to know all the answers.

So, it makes sense that organizations are moving away from the traditional roles of leaders taking charge and giving orders, and are instead moving toward a completely different approach where leaders give support, encouragement, and guidance instead of just telling their teams what to do. This engagement with team members, and a willingness to ask questions and really listen to individuals, can give way to new ideas, positive energy, and illicit a newfound commitment to the organization.

In a nutshell, the role of the leader is now becoming a coach.

Coaches ask questions that inspire individuals to unlock their full potential and boost their performance. Companies and organizations that have moved toward leaders-as-coaches are seeing higher levels of engagement and productivity from their employees.

Now, more than ever, organizations need leaders who are coaches.

With the Right Tools, You Can Build a Successful Organization

How can you build a successful organization? With the right tools and support, you can transform your leaders to become more like coaches.

As more and more organizations are reinventing themselves for this new age, the appearance of a new kind of leader was inevitable. This powerful and fundamental shift has changed how companies look at leadership skills. More companies are now investing in training their leaders as coaches.

Coaching is becoming an intrinsic aspect of a successful organization’s culture. Click here to see how your leaders can learn the coaching skills they need to unlock your company’s full potential.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Coaches are Change Agents

What are change agents? And how can you become a coach that acts as a change agent?

Change agents are focused on making changes within systems. These can include changes in an organization between leaders and their teams, between different teams, between team members, or changes within an individual.

Because no one lives in a vacuum, coaches are, essentially, always coaching or creating changes within some type of “system” whether that’s a team, an organization, or a person.

But, more importantly, change agents seek to make real, meaningful changes for the betterment of each of these systems.

Coaches are change agents because they affect change by creating an environment where people can be heard. Often dysfunctional systems stem from a lack of listening, empathy, and understanding on the part of each individual in that system.

As change agents, coaches can create changes for the better and allow systems to function much more effectively and with increased performance by providing these listening spaces.

Creating Real Change
As change agents, what are some effective ways coaches can help leaders, teams, and individuals? What approach works best to bring about real, long-lasting change?

There are several approaches that change agents can use to create change. When coaches are change agents, they use an approach that can create real, long-lasting changes because they are coming from a place of empathy and reflection. A place of non-judgement that allows for things to come to light, for introspection and for new ideas to come forth.

Coaches help individuals and organizations to help themselves by creating safe spaces where individuals, leaders, and organizations can ask the right questions without fear of judgement. They are a means by which people can see themselves and their environment more clearly. A guide that allows individuals, teams, and organizations to find their own paths to success.

Lighting the Way
As a coach and change agent, you’re a partner and a guide on a journey. You are there to shedlight so that the path can become visible.

When coaches act as change agents, they shed light on the entire system, bringing awareness on an individual level, but also causing that awareness to permeate throughout the organization. Guiding individuals to ask the right questions about themselves, but also to ask the right questions in relation to team members, leaders, and the organization itself.

When coaches listen and individuals feel heard, they can begin to see themselves and their relationships with every member in the system more clearly. They realize they are part of something bigger and they understand how they fit in the whole. This clears the way for empathy and an understanding of self and others within the organization. And this makes room for positive change, bonding, and growth.

This empathy and understanding facilitates change because when individuals understand how they fit in a system and that they are part of something, they become invested in it and its success. 

Canada Coach Academy can help you guide individuals and organizations toward change for the better as a coach and change agent!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Best Life Coaching Program with Canada Coach Academy!

An ICF Life CoachCertification uses these skills to move their clients forward and help them reach the goals that they have for the coaching relationship. As the leader in defining the coaching profession, the ICF has created a code of ethical standards that accredited programs commit to uphold.
A Life CoachingCertification could take you anywhere from 16 to 100 hours to complete, depending on your program. You need this certification to uncover your genius.
It only takes one person to make a difference in another person's life. Pay it forward. Join a community of world class coaches transforming lives. Canada Coach Academy also offers ACC and PCC level training. 
Benefits of Becoming a Life Coach:
     Serve your Life's Purpose.
     Honor another's Life Purpose.
     Encourage others without passing judgment.
     Help individuals perform at their highest levels.
     Assist others to live in the possibilities.
     Support clients in their professional endeavors.
     Offer clarity through financial coaching.
A BusinessCoaching helps and guides the business owner in running a business by helping them clarify the vision of their business and how it fits in with their personal goals.
Why is Business Coaching Important?

     Helps identify and develop high potential employees.
     Helps identify both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities.
     Helps to motivate and empower individuals to excel.
     Demonstrates organizational commitment to human resource development.
Life coaches are useful to those who are trying to develop their life skills, such as balancing a job and family or strengthening personal ties. Let your skills get brushed up and learn a new skill set. For more details visit

Monday, May 4, 2020

Be a Coach to Your Needful Clients

A life coach inspires and guides people about a range of professional and personal issues. Life coaching is distinguished from guiding, consulting, counselling, mentoring, and administration therapy. You would be hiring a coach to assist you with specific professional projects, personal goals and changes.

Earning your Life Coaching Certificate could take you anywhere from 24 weeks to 60 hours to complete, depending on your program.
The Facilities Provided:

       As an ICF Member, you will enjoy instant credibility by identifying yourself as part of the world’s largest community of professionally trained coaches.
       You’ll also have access to local and global networking opportunities, cutting-edge business development and marketing education, and a variety of research and resources to help you become the best coach you can be.
How to Become a Life Coach?
      It seems like life coaching is effective indeed, but only from your own knowledge you can judge coaching. For example, most coaches give a free consultation. You could not figure things out until you speak to a coach.

      Complete coach-specific training that meets ICF’s standards.
      Achieve a designated number of coaching experience hours.
      Partner with a Mentor Coach.
      Demonstrate appropriate understanding and mastery of the ICF definition of coaching, Code of Ethics and Core Competencies.
      Life coaches are useful to those who are trying to develop their life skills, such as balancing a job and family or strengthening personal ties. As a life coach, assessing the goals of your client and helping to develop a strategy to meet those objectives would be your task. Let your skills get brushed up and learn a new skill set. For more details visit

What is the Role of a Life Coach?

You might be asking yourself, what does a life coach do exactly? The role of a life coach is to guideand support people in realizing their d...